Happy New Year! Thanks for your support since FIFA 12.

سياسة خاصة

سياسة خاصة

Fifautstore.com ensure to put the privacy of their users before anything else. We are 100% committed to ensuring that the data you provide to use is always kept 100% safe at all times. 
Our policy is not to collect any data from you as a customer without ensuring we let you know of this first. An example of this is when you fill in a form or an order through or on our website, you will be prompted to enter certain information so that we can process your orders and get your coins out to you (provide you with our service). Fifautstore.com does NOT store any transaction details as we use third party merchants such as Skrill & PayPal to process your payments. 
Any data entered on our website will be used to advise you of any offers or promotions we have on at the time when we deem relevant but we will NEVER pass your information out to any other third party for their promotional marketing activities. 
The security of all of your information we collect from you and store is vital to us and we ensure to use strict data security activities, and make sure that all data is stored securely. 
The only time any of the information such as ID is sent in to us here at Fifautstore.com is forwarded to a third party, is when a payment is Charged Back or we have any payment issues. It is then that your ID, or any sent in information will be forwarded to the merchant used and also to the Police/Authorities. 
If you have any issues, or would like to ask further questions about the security of your data, please contact us on sales@utstore.com